經歷 WORK |
– 2014 – Present Dean of Students, Bread of Life Theological Seminary, Irvine, CA |
– 2003 ThM in Old Testament, Dallas Theological Seminary |
現任大公園靈糧堂牧師,曾任阿靈頓華人教會及香港播道會恩福堂傳道,海外基督使團宣教士,兼職翻譯。願藉著聖經真理及教導,培育華人成為忠心的門徒。 譯作一覽 1 Dr. Norman Geisler, When Skeptics Ask 當代護教手冊, 賈斯樂(Geisler, Norman L.),布魯克(Brooks, Ronald M.), 楊長慧譯, 校園書房出版社, 1997 2 Dr. A. Ray Stanford, Handbook of Personal Evangelism (個人佈道要訣, Cornerstone, Hong Kong, 1995) 3 Dr. Charles Ryrie, Basic Theology 基礎神學/雷歷(Ryrie, Charles C.), 楊長慧譯, 角石出版有限公司 (Cornerstone, Hong Kong), 1996-12-01 4 Dr. Roy Zuck, Basic Bible Interpretation 基礎解經法/蘇克(Roy B. Zuck), 楊長慧譯,(香港:宣道出版社,1996,10) 5 Dr. Bradly Holt, Thirst for God, A Brief History of Christian Spirituality 《基督教靈修神學簡史》候特(Holt, Bradley P.).楊長慧譯。香港:道風山基督教叢林,1997 6 Gospel of John 約翰福音──特定讀者研讀本, (道風山基督教叢林出版社, Hong Kong, 1996) 7 Alister E. McGrath, The Christian Theology Reader 《基督教原典菁華》麥葛福(McGrath, Alister E.),楊長慧譯。台北:校園,1998 8 1 & 2 Kings, Tyndale Bible Commentary 丁道爾舊約聖經註釋–列王紀上下, 魏茲曼 (Wiseman, Donald J.), 楊長慧譯, 台北市:校園, 2000 9 Judges, Ruth, Tyndale Bible Commentary 丁道爾舊約聖經註釋–士師記/ 路得記, 昆達(Cundall, Arthur E.) ;莫理斯(Morris, Leon), 楊長慧譯, 臺北市:校園出版社, 2002 10 THE SURVIVORS GUIDE TO THEOLOGY, by M. James Sawyer 神學求生指南/邵葉爾 (M. James Sawyer)著, 譯者: 楊長慧. 台北市: 校園書房出版社, 20090901, 頁數: 752 11 Works & Words of Christ, by Pentecost (electronic format) 耶穌基督的言與行 12 DICTIONARY OF PAUL AND HIS LETTERS, 1993 (The IVP Bible Dictionary Series) by Gerald F. Hawthorne (Editor), Ralph P. Martin (Editor), Daniel G. Reid (Editor) 《21世紀保羅書信辭典》(上冊):A~J (下冊): K~Z主編:霍桑、馬挺/副編:里德/譯者:楊長慧, 校園出版社, 2009 |